Breakfast Table

GRAFIX 9084322
150 pieces
Number of completions: 4

EAN: 840287941852
Fastest time: 00:19:49
Average time: 00:39:04
Name Time
1. Andy Novocin 00:19:49
PPM 7.57
1st try
2. Brandon Yeung 00:37:53
PPM 3.96
1st try
3. Jacob W 00:39:06
PPM 3.84
4. Tery_M_ 00:59:30
PPM 2.52
1st try
Fastest time: 00:00:00
Average time: 00:00:00
Name Time
These puzzles have not yet been solved in a group. Be the first!
Fastest time: 00:00:00
Average time: 00:00:00
Name Time
These puzzles have not yet been solved in a group. Be the first!